Ok ladies and gentelman. This blog isn't all about me, its about you too. Here are some tips I picked up along the way that has made life in Hollywood just a touch easier.
- Always take Fountain Ave when you can.
When I first moved to LA I took Sunset blvd all the time. I was mesmerized by the billboards and hotels and looking at the stores, that got old fast when it took me 45mins to get from Lacieniga to Highland. This street is like the Hollywood freeway, it's amazing. You'll see.
- Get CNN updates to your phone.
A pretty girl is a pretty girl, they are a dime a dozen in Los Angeles let me tell you that. For every successful, good looking prestigious man there are 12 girls who want to be with him and probably will. What you need to do is act like you have a brain, and if you actually do have a brain, use it. Getting the CNN updates will help you keep up with current events wether it be sports, news or weather you'll always have a subject or article to bring up, being able to have a conversation that doesn't include the words "shopping" "spa" or "club" will usually earn you some points over the next girls.
-Men you shouldn't date/sleep with
Never ever EVER get involved with a promoter
I promise you they are only hitting on you and telling you you're beautiful because they want you to come to their club, they are all horny and sleazy and they WILL talk. Take this from me, I've made the mistake, I've made it a few times actually. I cannot stress enough to you that SLEEPING WITH A PROMOTER is like sleeping with the whole club you met him at, everyone will know, and he's probably slept with almost every girl in the club. He will most definitely break your heart. The only way for a relationship to work with one of these guys is if you've been in the game as long as he has and you're just as well known in the social scene as him, otherwise he will sleep with you, tell everyone and you'll probably feel awkward the next time you show up at his club and he makes you wait while he lets his real friends in. You'll be standing there with your girlfriends who are looking at you like "but didn't you just sleep with him last night" NOT a good look. My advice is to befriend the promoters, flirt, exchange numbers (if you don't mind getting texts about their parties ALL the time) and always stay classy around them, I promise you wont get another invite if you can't hold your liquor.
-A guy who claims he's a producer/Athlete/Musician/Actor
Ok, Im going to be honest here, when you first move to Hollywood you are going to be bombarded with hot guys, especially when you're new on the scene. The guys I know call girls who have just moved to LA and are kind of clueless to how things work "newbies" or "fresh meat" you girls are the perfect prey. You have no idea what these guys are about, you see a nice watch and that they are pouring you drinks from "their bottle" they feed you dreams of being in their movie, video or setting you up with an agent. LIES LIES LIES if these men are actually as important as they say they are, there is no need for an introduction, they know that everyone around knows them and you should too, after getting their FULL NAME or at least their first name I suggest you run to the bathroom put their name and title into your google search and compare a picture with the man you just met. If they are who they say they are PARTY UP, if their not RUN. If they actually are a producer, well known actor, athlete or musician and you're having a good time then hangout and drink DO NOT GO HOME WITH MEN ON A PROMISE. You will look like a groupie and you will get played. A professional man who actually wants to help you with your career will offer you a card or an email he will not get you wasted and try and take you home on the first night. If you are talented and actually aspire to be an actress singer or whatever it is you're looking to do sleeping with men in the industry will shoot you down so fast your head will spin. However, if you're not looking to be involved with anything pertaining to his career and you're feeling this guy then use your gut instincts I don't want you to think Im preaching to you not to sleep with anyone because that is DEFINITELY not the case I'm just trying not to get your heartbroken or your hopes up. We are all grown and able to make our own decisions on whom we give the goods to I'm just trying to stress that you don't want a bad rep before you even get your foot in the door.
-Table Manners
Let me tell you, the social scene in Hollywood is like a secret society almost like High School I'd say. You have the popular kids, usually the rich kids who are out every night dressed to impress others the heirs and the children of someone famous, you have the jocks, the boys with huge egos, usually good looking guys who get into the clubs but are broke, they're aspiring actors, rappers or producers usually hangout with the "popular kids" holds the bottles and brings the girls. Then you have the nerds, usually the people who get into the club just because they push their way to someones table whom spends a lot or is out a lot so their face is seen but no one really likes them, they're just there and I guess no one minds, they don't really get invited but find out through social networks where everyone is going to be, they're never invited to the exclusive stuff, just the things no one can control and its to much of a hassle to even ask them "why are u sitting here" they usually know their place and will move when someone "more popular" comes to join the party. You don't want to be that "nerd" so never be too pushy or ask for a drink, if a guy is feeling you he will offer you one, asking for a drink rings a bell in his head; this girl A: cant go to the bar and get her own drink and B: she's definitly a "newbie" if shes asking for a drink at a table where she doesnt know anyone. NO matter how bad you want or need a drink DO NOT ASK FOR ONE. If you can't afford to buy a drink, go to the bar and at least get some cranberry juice to walk around with, you will get invited to a table eventually, just hold tight and NEVER walk into a table uninvited, you never know who youre trying to approach and you will be embarressed when someone asks you to leave their area.
The circle is VERY small and everyone WILL know your business wether you want them to or not so be carful what you do and be ready to admit what you do and take the consequences. I know you're all thinking WOW this seems so complicated and how do I know who I should talk to and what I should do? The thing about Hollywood is you can do what you please, its wether or not you can handle the backstabbing, the criticism and they drama that comes along with the party scene and your actions. You really have to be comfortable with who you are and focused on what you want to do otherwise you will be set in a fast downward spiral.
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